Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gods Will

Well, we made it through January. It was a crazy month for us. I did have a miscarriage, and we are doing good. Once we got the reports back from the doctors and radiologist- it showed that there no yoke sac- which means a baby was never formed. Aaron and I feel this is the best it could be considering the situation. It is so much easier to handle - knowing no baby was ever formed. We know this is Gods will for us- and that was our prayer all long-whatever Gods plan let it be done. So we know what his plan was.
I still had to pass everything- and had bleeding for quite a while- but i am getting back to normal now. God is Good- he allowed it to happen the week that the deadline for Guatemala was. So I can still go - with our senior high group. I really was sad I couldnt go, but God must have wanted me on the trip. I am excited about this.
We went into January expecting a baby from Ethiopia and we are still expecting a baby from Ethiopia. We are so excited to adopt, and know that this is Gods will for us. Please pray for us as we continue our adoption process, and get back to our everyday schedules.